Free Pro Forma Invoice Template Generate Proforma Invoices Zoho Invoice

proforma invoice

This happens when a consigner (a factory in Poland, for example) sends a consignee (a screen printing business in the United States) some goods to sell, along with a proforma invoice. Under a consignment agreement, a consignee doesn’t pay for the goods they receive until they sell them. Once they do, the consigner will send along a final invoice to finalize the sale. A proforma invoice is a document sent by a supplier to a buyer to tell them the estimated price of the goods and services they want to buy.

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Pro Forma Information

While a pro forma invoice is intended to set forth the intended details of a transaction, it is not legally binding, nor is it an official request for payment. It is merely a good-faith effort to outline the goods that the buyer can expect to receive, the price they should expect to pay, and various shipping details as listed below. A proforma invoice can be created using templates with Microsoft Word and Excel, although these take time to edit and complete accurately. Alternatively, QuickBooks’ invoicing software contains templates that you can use to create proforma invoices in just a few clicks. You don’t need to wrestle with time-consuming updating or double-checking of invoice numbers, making QuickBooks’ software a simple way to send error-free invoices, fast.

  • Pro forma in Latin stands for ‘for the sake of form,’ implying that it is only a provisional document and will eventually be followed up with an official document.
  • However, sellers typically refer to documents requesting payment as invoices, and buyers are more likely to refer to these records as bills.
  • A proforma invoice typically provides full and final details once your customer has committed to a transaction.
  • Here’s a quick introduction to proforma invoices and how to use them in your business.

How is a pro forma invoice different from other invoices (and quotes)?

Before shaking hands on a deal, businesses often negotiate about the terms of the deal such as the selling price, discounts, and delivery dates. Once this negotiation is over, it is good practice for the business to send a preliminary draft of the invoice to the buyer showing the agreed-upon deliverables. This document also acts as a tentative agreement and is called the proforma invoice.

Pro forma in Latin stands for ‘for the sake of form,’ implying that it is only a provisional document and will eventually be followed up with an official document. Although are widely used, it is easy to confuse them with regular invoices. This article aims to explain the meaning of proforma invoices using examples, demonstrate their uses, and demystify the differences between a proforma invoice and an invoice. While Word and Excel offer invoice templates, they take time and meticulous attention to detail to fill in correctly.

Benefits of sending a Proforma Invoice

It gives customers a good faith estimate of the cost of a sale and reduces the likelihood that they will be exposed to any unanticipated charges. That reduces the risk of payment disputes when commercial invoices are issued. A pro forma invoice looks like a regular invoice but must be labeled “pro forma invoice”. It includes all the usual invoice information such as details of the buyer and seller, a list of products and prices, and terms of the sale. It should also include a reference number so it’s easy for customers to save and retrieve, but this isn’t an official invoice number.

It can also be used as a quote, giving the customer a sense of what a product would cost before going through with the order. Unlike an invoice that has a predefined set of fields to be included, a proforma invoice could contain anything that’s relevant at the time of creating it. On the other hand, a proforma invoice is not a legal agreement since it’s only a draft.

Unlike an official invoice, a pro forma invoice is simply used to prevent misunderstandings about the specifics of a transaction, such as the amount due. It is usually issued at the time an order is placed, so that the buyer can clarify any questions about the price or date of delivery. There are several different uses for these types of invoices, and they have proven to be incredibly helpful for organizations, businesses, and individuals in various industries. As we said, pro forma invoices can be created and used by anyone, but most commonly, they’re used in trade transactions and imports and exports.

Think of them as finalized courtesy quotes that prevent unexpected surprises or disputes down the line. They also give prospective clients a general overview of a sale, including prices, timelines, and terms. Businesses that are scaling fast and looking for ways to improve their billing processes should definitely consider using proforma invoices. For example, a bakery customer might agree to the price of a cake on a pro forma invoice, and the baker will deliver the cake once it is ready. The customer will then pay for it when they receive the final, formal invoice. The final invoice amount should be the same or close to the amount on the pro forma invoice.

One situation where this may happen is if the buyer has time to reject part of the delivery. Another situation is when the payment terms between the buyer and seller call for the seller proforma invoice to invoice for all shipments on a monthly basis. You would not use a credit memo with a pro forma invoice because pro forma invoices are not legally binding and are subject to change.

Further, the term invoice specifically references credit-based purchases, while a bill might refer to a broader scope of payment requests, such as those for cash-on-demand transactions. So rather than a payment request — like a traditional invoice — a pro forma invoice serves roughly the same function as a purchase order confirmation. It describes the overall order and outlines projected pricing and payment terms with the expected delivery terms and costs clearly outlined. Each party on either side of the transaction knows what to expect from the sale. And if they aren’t happy with the conditions, they can renegotiate before any work starts. When shipping internationally, you must provide a detailed summary of the goods inside.

A proforma invoice is a preliminary bill of sale sent to buyers in advance of the delivery of goods. If you want to give someone a quote for a purchase, send them a proforma invoice. If you want them to send you a cheque for goods or services you’ve already delivered, send them a purchase order.

This article will cover what a proforma invoice is, plus when and how to use one. Jason Ding is a seasoned accountant with over 15 years of progressive experience in senior finance and accounting across multiple industries. Jason holds a BBA from Simon Fraser University and is a designated CPA. Jason’s firm, Notion CPA, is an accounting firm with a business-first focus.

If the sale isn’t complete, there’s no need for you to edit or cancel the invoice. When sending out invoices across customers and timeframes, consistency will make your life much easier. A blank invoice simply refers to the empty template used to create the standardized invoices sent out by your company. An invoice is a document that specifies any products sold or services provided to a customer for a particular period.

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